terça-feira, março 30, 2010

Advances in clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation

O site da Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation disponibiliza para download os vários números da respectiva RevistaCientífica de acesso livre.
É mesmo Clinical e já tem 10 anos.

The field of neurology and neuroscience moves forward at an alarming pace and it is difficult to keep up with advances. ACNR (Advances in Clinical Neuroscience & Rehabilitation) is designed to overcome that problem, through a combination of unique and innovative approaches, including in each issue:
Two reviews of current therapeutic controversies from leading experts in the field
A short summary of a neuroscientific topic that will impinge on the clinical arena in the near future
A primer of neuroanatomy
A review of the major neurological journals by a panel of experts with short summaries and comments on the most important articles
Conference reports and product updates
A review on an aspect of rehabilitation
Book reviews
A short account of best management practice in the form of a series of articles around a disease (e.g. epilepsy - diagnosis, first line therapy, driving, pregnancy, therapy in refractory cases, role of surgery).


1 comentário:

Nós Tetraplégicos disse...

Obrigado pela excelente informação que disponibilizam.